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Lockscreen customization policies

Last updated June 28th, 2024

Lockscreen customization policies are a group of controls allowing the customization of UI shortcuts available on the device lockscreen. These lockscreen controls are available with a free Knox Platform for Enterprise Premium license.

Refer to the following lockscreen policies:

  • Use the Lockscreen shortcuts control to enable the utilization of device lockscreen shortcuts. This control must be enabled before app shortcut customizations are permitted.

    • Enter an App for left shortcut package name <string> to specify the app that opens when the device user utilizes the left shortcut on the device lockscreen.

    • Enter an App for right shortcut package name <string> to specify the app that opens when the device user utilizes the right shortcut on the device lockscreen.

Deep settings for lock screen policies

There are unique configuration controls available for the device’s lock screen. These deep settings include the configuration parameters required for the roaming clock, face widgets, notifications, language and input, system sounds and vibrations, display settings, and font usage. These features are available with a free Knox Platform for Enterprise Premium license on devices running Knox version 3.4 or higher. To learn more, see Deep settings customization.

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