Wireless emergency alerts missing from Settings app
Last updated June 15th, 2023
- Android Enterprise
- Corporate Owned Business Only device
- Samsung devices running Android 13
When using a device enrolled as a Corporate Owned Business Only device, device users may encounter an issue where they cannot receive wireless emergency alerts. When trying to configure Wireless emergency alerts in the Settings app (Notifications > Advanced settings > Wireless emergency alerts), device users are unable to find the setting.
If a device running Android 13 is enrolled as a Corporate Owned Business Only device, the Cell Broadcast Receiver package is disabled by default.
To add the Cell Broadcast Receiver package, users must enable the package com.google.android.cellbroadcastreceiver with the enableSystemApp method. The steps to enable the package will depend on your EMM.
A fix for this issue is scheduled for June 2023. After updating to the version with the fix, the device must be factory reset and re-enrolled.
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