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Knox Mobile Enrollment 25.01 release notes

Last updated January 15th, 2025


Enhancement to prevent Knox Mobile Enrollment bypass attempts

With the 25.01 release, you can now lock devices if the end user attempts to cancel the factory-reset required to enroll using Knox Mobile Enrollment. This feature helps ensure that your devices remain secure and enrolled exclusively through Knox Mobile Enrollment.

A valid Knox Suite - Enterprise Plan is required to use this advanced setting.

To learn more about advanced settings, see Configure advanced settings.

Ability to unassign profiles in bulk

With Knox Mobile Enrollment 25.01, you can now use a CSV file to unassign profiles from up to 100,000 devices at a time. You can find this feature in the BULK ACTIONS tab on the Devices page in the Knox Mobile Enrollment console.

For step-by-step instructions on how to unassign profiles in bulk, see Manage devices in bulk.

Supported Android OS versions shown on Devices page

Knox solutions are supported on the last five major Android versions, including the latest version. Previously, it was difficult for IT admins to keep track of devices running unsupported Android versions.

Starting with Knox Mobile Enrollment 25.01, an OS VERSION column is added to the Devices page to help you monitor and identify devices running Android OS versions that are no longer officially supported.

A warning icon is displayed for devices running unsupported Android OS versions. You can also filter devices and sort them by Android OS version.

To learn more about customizing the Devices table, see View and manage devices.

Support for + character in User ID

The following special characters are typically not supported in the console: \ # / $ * % ^ & \ ( ) + ? { } [ ].

Beginning with Knox Mobile Enrollment 25.01, you can now use the + character when creating a User ID.

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