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Unable to enroll a device using a captive portal network

Last updated December 15th, 2023



  • Knox Mobile Enrollment
  • Devices running Android 13 or lower


Enrolling a device requires device users to connect to the internet. When a device that is enrolled in Knox Mobile Enrollment is factory reset, re-enrolling the device might fail if the device user tries to connect to a network with a captive portal.


For devices enrolled in Knox Mobile Enrollment, networks accessed through captive portals are considered unsecure and connections are prevented for security purposes. As a result, a device user trying to enroll into an EMM through a captive portal might face this issue as their device connection is blocked, causing the enrollment to fail.


Ensure that the device is running Android 14 or higher. EMM enrollment on networks with captive portals is supported for devices running Android 14 and higher.

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