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Integrate services in Knox Manage

Last updated June 10th, 2024

The administrator at the client side can access the Knox Manage console and configure the settings for LDAP and CA service integration.

Integrating LDAP in Knox Manage

When the client’s LDAP is ready, the administrator should enter the LDAP server information in the Knox Manage console. The entered information is then sent to the SCC CS server with the tenant’s information, and the SCC CS server assigns an IP and Port for the LDAP service to the SCC server. From then on, Knox Manage does not connect directly with the LDAP server, but uses the LDAP service using the IP and Port provided from the SCC server.

To integrate LDAP on the Knox Manage console, configure the Directory Integration in Advanced > Directory Integration. For more information about LDAP integration, see Connect to AD/LDAP.

Integrating CA in Knox Manage

The administrator should register the CA server in the Knox Manage console to integrate the Knox Manage server with the client’s CA server using SCC.

The following example shows how to register an ADCS, one of the available CA types, in Advanced > Certificate > Certificate Authority (CA) in the Knox Manage console. This method is applicable when HTTPS is used for CA. For more information about the CA settings, see Adding a certificate authority (CA).

  • Host Name —Enter the host name of the SCC server.
  • WSURL —Enter the Certificate Enrollment Web Service (CES) address of the actual CA server registered for the web service.

Although every CA type supported by Knox Manage is available, the ADCS CA’s Windows type certification is not available.

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