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Install the SCC client

Last updated June 10th, 2024

This page covers how to install the Samsung Cloud Connector (SCC) client on a client’s site where the LDAP and CA are installed.

To protect your systems from the Log4J security vulnerability and to avoid compatibility issues, you should update the following software on applicable systems in your enterprise:

  • SCC client to version 2.6.2. If you continue using older versions of the client, the SCC can disconnect unexpectedly and errors may occur that affect service reliability.
  • Java Developer Kit to version 1.8.0. See Prerequisites for installing SCC for a list of officially-tested and recommended OpenJDK distributions.

Knox Manage supports only one SCC client connection for a single tenant ID or domain. This means that you can map each of your tenants to one SCC client only.

The IP address and port number of the L4 switch for accessing the SCC server are assigned in the configuration file.

To install the SCC client for your tenant:

  1. On the Knox Manage console, click Download > Cloud Connector Client to download an archive of the SCC client.

  2. Decompress the archive.

  3. Run SCC_Setup_version_builddate.exe.

  4. Select your language and click OK.

  5. Click Next when the installation wizard starts.

  6. If you agree to End User License Agreement, click Next.

  7. Click Browse and specify a directory in your local storage where JDK Home is installed. If you see the message The selected directory is not a Java directory, choose another directory.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select an installation directory for JDK Home, then click Next. The default path is C:\SamsungSDS\.

  10. Enter your tenant ID and access token, and click Install.

    • Your tenant ID is the corporate domain that comes after the at sign (@) when you sign in to the Knox Manage console.
    • To find your access token, go to Setting > Configuration > Basic Configuration > Cloud Connector tab in the Knox Manage console.
  11. Once installed, click Finish.

    • (Optional) To register the SCC client as an automatic background service in Windows, click Register for Windows Service.

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