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Customize the dashboard

Last updated December 6th, 2023

The Knox Manage dashboard gives you a general overview of your enrolled devices, user groups, apps, and profiles through customizable views that you can show or hide on the Dashboard page. Many of these views provide graphical summaries to help you visualize your Knox Manage data.

To manage the views on the dashboard:

  1. Go to Dashboard.

  2. Click Customize.

    Customize button on dashboard

    The Customize dashboard screen opens.

  3. Toggle the views that you want to show or hide. The views that you can configure on the dashboard include:

    • Device issues
    • Device enrollment
    • User groups
    • Top apps assigned
    • Top profiles assigned
    • Device actions
    • Welcome tour
    • Get started

    Device status is the only view that stays on your dashboard permanently, and can’t be hidden.

    Customize dashboard page

  4. Click SAVE. The dashboard updates and shows the views you selected.

    Updated dashboard after customizing

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