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Set up Android Enterprise as a platform

Last updated December 6th, 2023

Before you can manage Android devices, you must have Knox Manage registered as an EMM provider with your managed Google Play account.

To link your Android Enterprise account to your Knox Manage tenant:

  1. On the Knox Admin Portal, click your account icon, then Settings to access features for all services.


    Settings page displaying Android Enterprise

    An external Bring Android to Work view from Google Play opens.

  3. In the Google Play view, click Get started.

  4. On the Business details screen, enter your domain or business name, then click Next.

    Android Enterprise business details page

  5. Fill the Contact details page:

    Android Enterprise contact details page

    1. Enter the contact information of your data protection officer and European Union representative. If you don’t have this contact information on hand, you can add it later.

    2. Select I have read and agree to the Managed Google Play agreement.

  6. Click Confirm.

  7. On the Set up complete page, click Complete Registration to finish linking your Android Enterprise account to Knox Manage.

After approximately one minute, the connection between your Knox Manage tenant and your Google Workspace is established.

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