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Questions and answers for new users

Last updated April 3rd, 2024

No. The new console makes use of a standard Knox Manage or Knox Suite license, so you may use your existing license.


No. The original console exists in the original separate web app, while the new console is embedded inside the Knox Admin Portal. You can’t access both simultaneously.

Yes. You can switch back and forth whenever you need.

Yes. You can switch back and forth whenever you need to use features from the other console.

No. All data is preserved, regardless of the current console.

The chosen console is applied to the entire tenant, and isn’t tied to the admin’s permissions. If a tenant activates the new console, then all admins belonging to it will access it using the new console.

Yes. You can view any devices managed by your tenant on the Devices page, refined through the filter settings.

It depends. If your tenant has users that belong to an organization in the original console, you won’t be able to manage them in the new console. If the existing users were added manually and belong to a group, then you can manage them in the new console.

Those users will be marked with an ⓘ with the tooltip This user is assigned to an organization in the original Knox Manage console.

No, it doesn’t currently support user syncing from any identity provider. If you have a tenant that uses Active Directory, you should continue using the original console until it’s implemented in the new console.

A profile is a combination of policies. A policy is a collection of settings related to a particular category of device management. When configuring a profile, you set up each policy separately. You can save and reuse policy presets across profiles, and collate multiple presets together.

Yes. Multiple profile assignments, as well as profile priority, are available features.

All data is saved and synced between the two consoles. However, not all entities and data are supported in both consoles. Profiles created in the new console will be present in the original console, but can’t be modified or exported. New policies set in the new console will be hidden in the original console, but all settings will remain and continue to apply to any assigned devices.

The terms system app and control app are synonymous. They both refer to pre-installed, low-level apps and services on the device. The term was changed in the new console to provide a clearer meaning.

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