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Default reports and report queries

Last updated June 26th, 2024

Knox Manage provides the following reports by default. These reports can’t be modified or deleted.


Report name Description
Device List by License Displays the device information by licenses registered on the Admin Portal.
Device location Displays the last location of devices and their information on Google Maps. All devices are displayed except for deactivated or disconnected devices. Use the search field to search for a user ID.
New Registered Users Displays the newly added users.
New Registered Users(C) Displays the daily number of newly added users in a table and chart.
New User Weekly Displays the users newly added within the week.
Device Inventory Displays the inventory of the enrolled devices.
Apps Installed on Device Displays the number of apps installed per device.
Device Count by Version Displays the number of enrolled devices by mobile OS and their version.
Device Count by Status Displays the number of enrolled devices by status.
Device Count by Platform Displays the number of enrolled devices by mobile OS.
Device Count by Manufacturer Displays the number of enrolled devices by mobile device manufacturer.
User Count by Group Displays the number of users by group.
Device Count by Group Displays the number of devices by group.
Device Security Status Displays the security information, such as whether the device is compromised or the Keepalive status, by device.
Device SIM/Roaming Status Displays the detailed information about the SIM card and roaming status of devices.
Activated Device Count per App Installed Displays the number of devices on which an app is installed by app.
Device Command in Request Displays the target device information of the device commands in queue.
Device Command Queue Count Displays the number of the device commands in queue per device in descending order.
New Registered Apps Displays the apps newly added within the week.
App Download Ranking (Current) Displays the current ranking by app downloads.
App Download Top3 (Current) Displays the three most downloaded apps up to the current date.
App Download Ranking (Stats) Displays the app download rankings of the previous day.
App Download Top3 (Stats) Displays the three most downloaded apps of the previous day.

Report queries

You can make your own reports using the following queries included in Knox Manage.

Report query Output field
App Basic Information
  • Category
  • App Name
  • App Version Code
  • App Version
  • Package
  • App Type Code
  • App Type
  • App Status
  • Status
  • Platform
  • Test App
  • Kiosk App
  • Supporting Devices
  • Supporting Devices
  • Grade
  • Valid from
  • Valid To
  • Registration Date
  • Download
  • Source
App Download Ranking (Current)
  • Ranking
  • Statistics Date
  • Category
  • App Name
  • App Version Code
  • App Version
  • Package
  • App Type Code
  • App Type
  • App Status
  • Status
  • Platform
  • Test App
  • Kiosk App
  • Supporting Devices
  • Supporting Devices
  • Grade
  • Valid from
  • Valid To
  • Registration Date
  • Download
App Download Ranking (Stats)
  • Ranking
  • Statistics Date
  • Category
  • App Name
  • App Version Code
  • App Version
  • Package
  • App Type Code
  • App Type
  • App Status
  • Status
  • Platform
  • Test App
  • Kiosk App
  • Supporting Devices
  • Supporting Devices
  • Grade
  • Valid from
  • Valid To
  • Registration Date
  • Download
App Download Statistics
  • Tenant ID
  • Statistics Date
  • App ID
  • App Name
  • Category ID
  • Category
  • App Version Code
  • App Version
  • Package
  • App Type Code
  • App Status
  • Platform
  • Supporting Devices
  • Auto Update
  • Test App
  • Kiosk App
  • Grade
  • Valid from
  • Valid To
  • Registration Date
  • Download Total
  • Download Last Yea
  • Download Last 6 Month
  • Download Last 3 Month
  • Download Last 1 Month
  • Creation Date

App Information installed in Device

For performance and system stability purposes, this query returns a maximum of 100,000 results.

  • Package
  • App Name
  • App ID
  • EMM
  • App Version Code
  • App Version
  • Device ID
  • Device Name
  • User ID
  • Platform
  • Platform
  • Device Status
  • Status
  • Compromised Count
  • Installed Area
  • App Size
  • Mandatory
  • No. of execution
  • IMEI
  • Serial Number
  • Device Count
Device Basic Information
  • Device ID
  • Device Name
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Organization Code
  • Organization Name
  • Platform
  • Network Service Provider Code
  • Network Service Provider Name
  • Device Version
  • Device Version code
  • Device Version
  • Mobile Number
  • Model
  • Device OS
  • Device Status
  • Status
  • Modem Firmware
  • Build Number
  • Build Type
  • Product Name
  • Device Kind
  • Manufacturer
  • Device Organization
  • Device Name
  • Creation Date
  • Present device management profile applied date
  • Last Connection Date
  • Whether to be compromised
  • App Count
  • Compromised App Count
  • Official App Count
  • Whether the app to be compromised
  • Battery Level (%)
  • Memory Size (GB)
  • Memory Usage (GB)
  • RAM Memory Size (GB)
  • RAM Memory Usage (GB)
  • AP Type
  • AP Speed (GHz)
  • Network transfer data (in) (MB)
  • Network transfer data (out) (MB)
  • Wi-Fi transfer data (in) (MB)
  • Wi-Fi transfer data (out) (MB)
  • Serial Number
  • Activation Type
  • Wi-Fi IP Address
  • Wi-Fi Status
  • Management Type
  • Organization Path
  • Initial Enrollment Date
  • Latest Enrollment Date
  • Latest Unenrollment Date
  • Device Count
  • Device Alias
  • Device Tags
Device by Group
  • Group Name
  • Group Type code
  • Group Type
  • Target Type code
  • Target Type
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Device ID
  • Device Name
  • Device Status
  • Platform
  • Model Name
  • Model Code
  • Network Service Provider Name
  • Device Count
  • Current Carrier
  • Group Name
Group Information
  • Group Name
  • Group Type
  • Entity Type
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Device Name
  • Serial Number
  • App Name
  • Package
  • Target Device
  • Profile Name
  • Priority
  • Content Name
  • File Name
  • Count
Organization Information
  • Organization Code
  • Organization Name
  • Type
  • Organization Path
  • Entity Type
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • App Name
  • Package
  • Target Device
  • Profile Name
  • Priority
  • Content Name
  • File Name
  • Count
Device Command in Request
  • Sent Date
  • Device Name
  • Platform Code
  • Platform
  • Device Status Code
  • Status
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • IMEI
  • Mobile Number
  • Transfer target
  • Device Command Type
  • Queue Count
Device Command Queue Count
  • Ranking
  • Device Name
  • Platform Code
  • Platform
  • Device Status Code
  • Status
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • IMEI
  • Mobile Number
  • Queue Count
  • Last Device Command
  • Last Sent Date

Device Details Information

The ICCID field is not supported for devices managed by Android Management API.

  • Device Name
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Email
  • Organization Name
  • Device Status Code
  • Status
  • Platform Code
  • Platform
  • Device Version
  • Mobile Number
  • MAC Address
  • Model
  • Firmware
  • IMEI
  • Serial Number
  • SIM Status
  • SIM Country
  • SIM Network
  • Roaming Status
  • Current Country
  • Current Network
  • Voice Roaming
  • Data Roaming
  • IMSI
  • Device OS
  • Device ID
  • Telephone Type
  • Network Type
  • Modem Firmware
  • Manufacturer
  • Device Type
  • AP Name
  • AP MAC Address
  • Hidden SSID
  • Activation Type
  • Battery Level (%)
  • Memory Size (GB)
  • Memory Usage (GB)
  • RAM Memory Size (GB)
  • RAM Memory Usage (GB)
  • AP Type
  • AP Speed (GHz)
  • Network transfer data (in) (MB)
  • Network transfer data (out) (MB)
  • Wi-Fi transfer data (in) (MB)
  • Wi-Fi transfer data (out) (MB)
  • Wi-Fi IP Address
  • Wi-Fi Status
  • Hidden SSID
  • External SD Card Size (GB)
  • External SD Card Usage (GB)
  • External SD Card Installed
  • Unenrollment Code
  • Last Connection Date
  • Management Type
  • Organization Path
  • Device Count
  • Time Zone
  • Date Format
Device License
  • License Key
  • License Type
  • License Total
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Device ID
  • Device Status Code
  • Status
  • Device Name
  • Platform Code
  • Platform
  • Device Count
  • IMEI
  • Serial Number
  • Management Type
  • Device Count
Device Security Status
  • Device ID
  • Device Name
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Platform Code
  • Platform
  • Device Status Code
  • Device Status
  • Compromised Device Status
  • Lock Status
  • Locked Time
  • Unmanaged Status
  • Unmanaged Time
  • Device Count
  • Last Device Command
  • Last Device Command Status
  • Management Type
User Basic Information
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • Email
  • Contact
  • Organization Code
  • Organization Name
  • Company Code
  • Company Name
  • Position Code
  • Position Name
  • Site Code
  • Site Name
  • Security Level Code
  • Security Level
  • Enabled
  • Status
  • Registration Date
  • User Count
  • Number of Enrolled Devices
  • Number of Registered Devices
  • Organization Path
  • Mobile Number
  • Type
User by Group
  • Group Name
  • Group Type code
  • Group Type
  • Target Type code
  • Type code
  • Target Type
  • User ID
  • User Name
  • User Count
  • Number of Enrolled Devices
  • Device Count

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