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Configure a profile for Microsoft Exchange

Last updated June 10th, 2024

Configure a profile for Exchange using a certificate authority (CA) or a certificate connector. Some specific settings for using Microsoft Exchange are required when creating a profile.

To configure a profile using a CA or certificate connector:

  1. Create a new profile.

  2. Add conditions for the profile. For more information, see Create and associate event types.

  3. Configure policies by device platform.

    For the Exchange policy, do the following:

    • Select the Office 365 check box to configure the Exchange settings by automatically filling out the Exchange server address and the setting the SSL option to Use.

    • Select the following user certificate input method:

      • Issuing external CA (Using a CA): Select the certificate template. For more information, see Certificate templates.

      To enable a certificate connector, the service type of the directory connector must be set as Profile Configuration (Certificate).

    • Select Use for use of SSL to configure the SSL between the device and the Exchange server.

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