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About the Knox Manage auto-update feature

Last updated July 26th, 2023



  • Knox Manage (KM)
  • KM version 20.2

What is the Knox Manage auto-update feature?

Introduced in KM version 20.2, the auto-update feature allows you to choose whether or not to update the KM agent automatically on the device.

How do I configure the Knox Manage auto-update feature?

You can configure auto-update in your KM console by navigating to Setting > Configuration > Knox Manage Agent Policy. If the policy is set to Use, a notification is displayed on the device status bar when a new KM agent version is uploaded. This notification cannot be dismissed by the device user.

To use auto-update, your enrolled devices must have a KM version of 20.2 or higher installed.

How is a Knox Manage auto-update triggered?

There are two events that trigger the KM agent auto-update:

  1. When the device receives a profile update, it checks if there is a new version of the KM agent.
  2. When the KM agent is launched, the device pulls the app management profile and simultaneously checks for a new agent version.

How is a Knox Manage auto-update pushed to a device?

While Knox Manage can automatically deliver agent updates to enrolled devices, some user interaction is required to complete the update installation. Depending on how your devices are managed, users are directed to one of two installation paths:

Android Legacy and Android Enterprise Device Owner (Fully Managed) modes

A notification is sent to the device. When the user selects the notification, the update is automatically downloaded and installed.

Android Enterprise Profile Owner (Work Profile) mode

A notification is sent to the device. When the notification is selected, the user is directed to the Google Play Store to install the update.

If you have disabled the notification bar through a policy, the user cannot see the update notification.

If you are managing a device with a work profile using the Knox Service Plug-in (KSP), the auto-update process is the same as Android Legacy and Android Enterprise Device Owner modes.

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