How to disable a device lock screen
Last updated October 21st, 2023
- Knox Manage
- Android Enterprise
- Samsung Knox-enabled devices
You may encounter an issue where an end user forgets their device password. If the device is locked and disconnected from the Internet, it cannot receive any Reset Password commands sent from the Knox Manage console.
To avoid this issue, you can use Knox Manage to disable a device’s lock screen.
How do I disable a device’s lock screen?
To disable the lock screen and prevent users from changing the lock screen settings:
In the Knox Manage console, click Profile.
Select your desired profile and click Modify Policy.
Under the Samsung Knox Android Enterprise policy drawer, click Lock Screen.
Modify the following policies:
Policy Value Screen Lock Policies - -
Click Save & Assign.
Click OK to confirm your changes and push the changes to your device fleet.
If the Lock Screen > Screen Lock Policies was set to Apply, you must remove the device’s Screen Lock. IT admins can remove the screen lock by following these steps:
- In the Knox Manage console, click Device.
- Select the checkboxes for any device(s) that you need to clear the screen lock from.
- Click on Device command.
- Click Device > Clear Screen Lock command.
- Click OK to push the Clear Screen Lock command to the select device(s).
Additional Reading
For more information on how to set up a Knox Manage profile, see Create a new profile.
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