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Password not populated automatically during enrollment with Knox Mobile Enrollment

Last updated December 18th, 2023



  • Knox Manage
  • Knox Mobile Enrollment


After the Knox cloud services 23.12 release, you might encounter an issue where the password isn’t populated automatically during enrollment, even if the User ID and Password properties are already set for the device in the Knox Mobile Enrollment tenant.

Additionally, when signing in to the Knox Manage console, the following notice may display:

For automatic activation through KME based on newly applied authentication from v23.12, make sure to enter EMM Server URI when creating KME profile. In the case of the existing KME profile, you can modify it and add EMM Server URI. How to check EMM Server URI can be found by connecting to the KM console with USP (eg.


With the 23.12 release, the identity provider authentication process in Knox Manage was updated. For customers using Knox Mobile Enrollment to enroll their devices in Knox Manage, the EMM server URI must now be set in the Knox Mobile Enrollment profile.


To resolve the issue:

  1. On the Knox Mobile Enrollment console, go to Profile.
  2. Select the profile that’s assigned to your affected devices.
  3. Under EMM server URI, enter your Knox Manage server URI. For reference, an acceptable Knox Manage server URI format is
  4. Save the profile.
  5. Factory reset the affected devices.

After the factory reset, the User ID and Password will automatically be populated on the devices during re-enrollment.

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