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Faq 551 cannot update km license with work profile

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Why can’t I update the Knox Manage license of devices with Work Profile?

When deploying Android 10 devices with Work Profile, license updates should be done on the device side and to the Work Profile. Follow the steps below to update the licenses:

  1. Send the Update License command to your devices with expired licenses. Since the KM server will register the device as having the KM license type, the server will push down the key as usual.
  2. When the device receives the KM license key, the workspace will be locked since the license type has changed. The user may view the workspace contents, but when they tap the app, the message that the “Workspace has expired” will appear.
  3. Finally, you will send down the Update License command again.

The lock will then be released after a few minutes, and the license update will be complete.

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