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Faq 517 how to assign remote support app to devices

Last updated July 26th, 2023

How can I prepare and assign the Knox Remote Support Agent to devices?

In order to smoothly trigger Knox Remote Support from the KM console to devices, the devices should be installed with the Knox Remote Support Agent. In order to prepare the Knox Remote Support Agent for devices, you need to assign it. Once the devices are equipped with the agent, the support session can be easily triggered without any additional downloads from the Device menu.

From the KM console, there are two ways:

  • Managed Google Play : Go to Application , and on the page that opens, click Add . Search and add the Knox Remote Support app and assign it through Managed Google Play.
  • Internal Application : From the KM console on the top header, click the Download button. Click Cloud Connector/Knox Remote Support > Knox Remote Support App (Device) > Download . Assign and deploy the APK file you downloaded as an internal app.

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