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Faq 513 google play with work profile

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Is Google Play available with Android Enterprise Work Profile?

No, it isn’t available. This is because all apps inside of Work Profile should be controlled by the admin, and only Managed Google Play (MGP) is allowed. Public Apps can be added to MGP by following the steps below:

  1. Go to KM Admin Portal > Application and click Add .
  2. At the Select Application Type window, select Public App and click OK .
  3. At the Add Application screen, search, select and approve an app.
  4. Go to KM Admin Portal > Application .
  5. Select the app and click Assign .
  6. Configure the target and click Assign .

On the other hand, Android Legacy allows Google Play:

  1. Go to KM Admin Portal > Profile , select your profile and click Modify Policy at Profile Details .
  2. Go to Android Legacy > Firewall .

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