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Faq 507 required apps to use google assistant kiosk mode

Last updated July 26th, 2023

What are the required applications to use Google Assistant in Knox Manage Kiosk mode?

Google Assistant requires 2 applications, “Google” and “Google Assistant” and they must be added to KM Kiosk.

  1. Go to the KM Admin Portal > Application .
  2. Click Add and choose Public App to add each application:
    1. “Google”:
    2. “Google Assistant”:
  3. Select the Kiosk at KM Admin Portal > Kiosk menu.
  4. Select the Multiple App Kiosk app for your profile and click the Modify button.
  5. Add 2 apps to Preview and click the Save button.
  6. Go to KM Admin Portal > Device .
  7. Select the devices and run Device Command > Application > Install or Update App .
  8. Select Update App to update the Kiosk app.

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