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Faq 503 how to enable disable nav bar kisok mode

Last updated July 26th, 2023

How to enable or disable the navigation bar in Kiosk mode

Please follow the steps below to enable or disable the navigation bar of the KM Kiosk mode.

  1. Select the profile at the KM Admin Portal > Profile menu.
  2. Click the Modify Policy button.
  3. Set the Prohibit Hardware Key policy to Apply .
  4. Check or uncheck the keys in the Disallow Hardware Key(s) section.

If the navigation bar does not work according to the configuration, you can also try to rebuild the Kiosk and apply the latest Kiosk app version to devices.

  1. Select the Kiosk at KM Admin Portal > Kiosk menu.
  2. Click the Modify button to configure the Kiosk and click the Save button.
  3. Go to the KM Admin Portal > Device .
  4. Select the devices and run Device Command > Application > Install or Update App .
  5. Select to update the Kiosk app.

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