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Faq 496 used quantity different from number of seats activated

Last updated July 26th, 2023

The “Used quantity” within the KM console is different from “Number of seats activated” in the dashboard

The out of sync is caused by a difference in the counting algorithm between “Used quantity” and “Number of seats activated”. The former is a value based on device status, while the latter is based on license activation. In other words, “Number of seats activated” counts enrolled devices even if those are not actually connected to Knox Manage. A few scenarios that can cause the out of sync are:

  • Devices are wiped before being unenrolled from Knox Manage
  • Devices are destroyed

ASR (Auto Seat Release) solves this problem by checking if devices do not communicate with servers for 180 days. If you want to manually recover unused licenses, try to run the Device Deactivation tool .

Note that device deactivation may take up to 24 hours.

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