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Faq 494 unable to activate knox license and work profile not created

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Device shows “Unable to activate Knox license” while enrolling and work profile isn’t created with Knox Manage

To create a Knox work profile (Knox Workspace) with Knox Manage, 2 Knox licenses are required:

  • A Knox Manage license: allows you to use Knox Manage.
  • A Knox Platform for Enterprise license: allows you to add premium device admin policies, including the Knox work profile (Knox Workspace).

To use Knox work profile, add a Knox Platform for Enterprise license to Settings > License in the KM Admin Portal .

To disallow Knox Workspace, add a new Android Legacy profile without Knox Workspace enabled at the Profile menu in the KM Admin Portal. Then, assign groups or organizations to this profile again. The Knox Platform Enterprise option should also be set to No at User Details .

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