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Faq 493 how to find the offline unenrollment code

Last updated July 26th, 2023

How do I find the Offline Unenrollment Code in Knox Manage?

To get the Offline Unenrollment Code for an enrolled device:

  1. Navigate from the KM Admin Portal > Device menu , and select the Device Name of the device that should be unenrolled.
  2. Click the Unenroll button to see a dialog box containing the Offline Unenrollment Code.
  3. Share the code with the user to successfully unenroll the device.


To get the Offline Unenrollment Code for an unenrolled device:

  1. Navigate from the KM Admin Portal > History > Audit Log .
  2. Select a date range that includes the Force Unenroll command you sent to the device.
  3. Enter Offline Unenrollment Code into the Event filter and click Search . To search for a specific device’s unenrollment code, enter the User ID or Device Name into the filter parameters.
  4. Click the expand icon to see the device’s Offline Unenrollment Code.
  5. Share the code with the user to successfully unenroll the disconnected device.


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