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Faq 360039416454

Last updated July 26th, 2023

What should I do if license activation is failing even though there are enough Knox Manage licenses in my console?

We have found that this issue occurs if any device is deactivated without a server interaction. For example, if the device is factory reset by the user or reset by a service center.

In this case, the Knox Manage server doesn’t know whether the device is deactivated, so the license count cannot be recovered.

If you want to recover unused licenses, you can use the ‘Device deactivation’ tool available in the User Dashboard .

  1. From the Knox Manage Console click ‘Device’ > click ‘Export to CSV’ button on the right side under the “Search” button. (Please make sure that only active/enrolled devices are exported. You can use ‘Status’ filter for this.)
  2. Go to and login, scroll down to My Tools and click ‘Launch’ under “Device Deactivation”.
  3. Enter the License Key (you can find it in the Knox Manage Console).
  4. Select “Keep” (this is very important)
  5. Download the CSV template and copy all active device IMEIs over from Step 1 (the devices you want to “keep” active)
  6. Upload the CSV file into the Device Deactivation tool.
  7. Click Submit. This will release all the seats which are not used.

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