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Faq 115013246427

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Can I use a Knox Workspace container if I buy a Knox Manage license?

Knox Manage doesn’t include a container to isolate work apps and data. If you want to place enterprise data in a separate container, consider one of the following solutions:

For Samsung Knox Smartphones and Tablets:

  • Knox Workspace Base Edition: A free solution that incorporates all the features of the Android Work Profile (formerly Android for Work Hardened by Knox).
  • Knox Workspace Advanced Edition: Paid solution backed by hardware-based Knox Platform security.

For other Android devices

  • Android Work Profile

For iOS / Windows / Tizen wearable* devices

  • Currently, Knox Manage doesn’t support any containerization solutions for these platforms.
    NOTE — Knox Manage will support Tizen wearables by the end of the first quarter of 2018.

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