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Automatic deployment (Android Legacy only)

Last updated July 26th, 2023

If you configured device settings for a profile, then the settings can be applied automatically on the device without user action. If two or more values have been configured for the same category on a device, then the user must select a category and apply the settings manually, except for Wi-Fi settings. However, the bookmark settings cannot be applied automatically if the Installation area field is set to Shortcut.

Refer to the following table for an example:

Category Value Application type
Wi-Fi A
Auto application
VPN C Auto application
Exchange D
Manual application

Device settings can be applied automatically once Knox Manage is activated and the policies are applied. After the application is complete, you can see the results in a notification message.


To apply configurations automatically, do the following:

  • When using certificates and VPN settings in the Wi-Fi 802.1xEAP framework, install Credential Storage (CS) so that trusted certificates can be stored in advance. CS installation means locking the screen using an option more secure than a password.
  • For the Knox VPN setting, install the Vendor Client in advance.
  • For the Email and Exchange settings, install the Samsung Email app and agree to receive notifications from the Email app (Galaxy S8 or higher).
  • For the Knox workspace, install the VPN Vendor Client in the general area.


In the following cases, manual intervention is still required even configurations are applied automatically.

  • A Wi-Fi connection needs to be established in the device settings since devices cannot connect to a Wi-Fi AP automatically.
  • To connect a tunnel after installing a VPN or Knox VPN, it must be enabled manually.
  • If the user deletes the auto-applied configuration, the deleted configuration is automatically reapplied when the device is manually rebooted or restarted.

Categories of auto application

Configurations applied automatically can be categorized into Cases A, B, and C:

Category Description Application order
Case A

Settings that can be applied and updated immediately after Knox Manage is activated and policies are applied.

  • Application and updates can be performed automatically in the Knox Workspace area once it is created and policies are applied.
  • The Email and Exchange settings require installation of the Samsung Email application.
  • For Wi-Fi 802.1xEAP, select PEAP in the EAP Methods, which is an authentication protocol, to prevent the usage of certificates. The user does not need to select a screen lock type and add it when auto-installing Wi-Fi settings, because this doesn't require installation of Credential Storage (CS).
  • Auto application of the Bookmark settings is supported on devices running Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or Android 7.0 (Nougat), and only when the Installation area field is set to Bookmark. However, the Bookmark settings cannot be applied automatically on Android Enterprise devices.
APN > Bookmark > Wi-Fi > Exchange > Email
Case B

Settings that can be applied or updated once a screen lock password is set and additional applications or certifications are installed.

  • If no screen lock password has been set, configurations are not applied automatically and a notification message for setting the screen lock password shows instead. Tap Set password on the notification message to open the settings screen of the device.
Wi-Fi > VPN > Knox VPN
Case C Settings that must be applied manually by the user from Knox Manage.

If you set up Exchange with a certificate, it is categorized as Case B because it requires certificate installation.

The following table provides more information.

Settings category Android enrollment type Knox Workspace Type CS installation required Additional application installation required Automation category
Wi-Fi Fully managed/Legacy G None X X Case A
WEP X X Case A
802.1xEAP X X Case A (When a certificate is not in use)
Legacy O X Case B
Exchange ActiveSync Legacy G/K N/A X O

Case A

Case B (When a certificate is in use)

Email Legacy G/K N/A X O Case A
Certificate Legacy G N/A O X Case B
APN Legacy G N/A X X Case A
Bookmark Fully managed G N/A X X Case C
Legacy G/K N/A X X Case A
VPN Legacy G PPTP O X Case B
G IPSec Xauth PSK O X Case B
G IPS ec Xauth RSA O X Case B
G IPSe c Hybrid RSA O X Case B
Knox VPN Legacy G/K Cisco X O Case C
G/K Android VPN Management for Knox O O Case C
K F5 X O Case B
K Juniper X O

Case B

(When a certificate is not in use, application is not supported.)

K NCP engineering GmbH X O Case B
K Mocana X O Case C
SSO Legacy G/K N/A X O Case C

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