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Activity log

Last updated March 13th, 2025

Knox Guard admins can refer to the Activity Log page to assess Knox Guard subscription events — including information such as when they occurred, admins involved, event category, action type, and description. The activity log is automatically refreshed as changes or updates are made within the Knox Guard console.

For more information on Knox Guard activities and where they typically occur in the Knox Guard event flow, see Knox Guard status flow.

A sub-admin needs the View activity log permission to view and download the activity log. For more information, see Manage admins and roles.

To review the Knox Guard activity log:

  1. Select Activity log on the navigation pane. The Activity log page displays.

    Activity log

  2. Use the drop-down to select a time period to view logged activities. Options include Show all (maximum period is three years), Last 7 days, and Last 30 days.

  3. Review the information in the following columns. You can filter the columns, and select CLEAR FILTER to remove all filters and refresh the display.

    • DATE — When each activity occurred. You can sort the events in ascending or descending order.
    • NAME — Name of Knox Guard admins and resellers.
    • CATEGORY — Activity category.
    • EVENT — Type of activity.
    • DESCRIPTION — Describes the activity. In case of activities related to devices, lists the number of devices affected. Descriptions cannot be filtered.
    • DETAILS — Displays a Download link to download a CSV file log of the selected event.
  4. (Optional) You can click the DOWNLOAD ACTIVITY LOG AS CSV button on the top-right of the page to save the entire log as a CSV file. The CSV download is available immediately if the log contains less than 10,000 devices. If the number of devices exceeds 10,000, the file is generated asynchronously and becomes available for download after it finishes generating.

Activity logs for IP address information can’t be viewed in the Knox Guard console. However, you can download the activity log and view this information in the CSV file.

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