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Error codes

Last updated June 26th, 2024

This page lists all in-console error codes categorized by Client status displayed on the console, such as Failed to enroll or Campaign error, to name a few.

Failed to enroll

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
171 Invalid license Client enrollment failed due to invalid license. Try to check if your license key is expired or invalid. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.

Campaign error

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
361 Invalid campaign information Campaign error occurred due to invalid campaign information. Try to check and change the target firmware version of current campaign. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
921 Undefined campaign policy error Null Pointer Exception occurred on the client while reading a campaign. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
922 General campaign reading error General Exception occurred on the client while reading a campaign. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.

Invalid firmware version

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
364 Assigned firmware version invalid Firmware version is invalid. Try to check and change the target firmware version of current campaign. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
365 Invalid firmware path From/to firmware path is invalid. Try to check and change the target firmware version of current campaign. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.

Awaiting download

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
501 Wi-Fi turned off Download network option in campaign setting is set as Wi-Fi only, but the device's Wi-Fi is turned off. Turn on the device's Wi-Fi, or try to set the Download network option in campaign settings to Any (Wi-Fi or Mobile).
502 Download disabled while roaming Device network is in roaming, but Download while roaming is not allowed in the campaign settings. Wait until the device leaves the roaming area, or try to check the Download allowed while roaming option in campaign settings.
503 Large firmware download disabled while Wi-Fi off The firmware size is over than the set Switch to Wi-Fi when firmware size is over option value in campaign settings, but the device's Wi-Fi is turned off. Turn on the device's Wi-Fi, or try to uncheck the Switch to Wi-Fi when firmware size is over option in campaign settings.
508 Outside firmware download period Current time is not within the firmware download period. Try to change the Firmware download period in campaign settings, or try to check the device within firmware download period.
562 Not enough storage Not enough storage space on the device to download firmware. Try to secure free space on the device. Need free space that's twice the size of firmware.

Failed to download

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
561 File size mismatch error File size mismatch error occurred on the client during download. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
563 Network error Network error occurred on the client during download. Press the Retry button to retry downloading the firmware on the device. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
564 Firmware checksum error Checksum error occurred on the client during download. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
565 "File size request" error File size request error occurred on the client during download. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
566 Firmware size too large for client Requirement rule violated error occurred on the client during download. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
567 “File can’t be written” error File cannot be written error occurred on the client during download. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
568 “Unknown” error Unknown error occurred on the client during download. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.

Awaiting install

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
701 Charger connection required Install error occurs because Allow installation only when connected to charging dock condition doesn't match. Try to install firmware on the device while the device is connected to charging dock, or change the Allow installation only when connected to charging dock option in campaign settings.
702 Device battery too low Install error occurs because Battery level for installation condition does not match. Try to install firmware on the device after charge the device enough, or change the Battery level for installation option in campaign settings.
703 Interrupted by phone call At the time of installation, the user is on phone call. Try to install firmware on the device after the phone call is complete.
704 Installation postponed by user Device user postponed installation on the device by tapping the Postpone button, tapping the Home or Back buttons, or turning the screen off. Try not to postpone installation on the device, or try to change the Postpone Installation option in campaign settings.
707 Not enough storage Not enough storage space to install firmware. Try to secure free space on the device. Need free space that's the size of firmware.
708 Outside installation period Device user tried to install firmware on the device, but the current time isn't within the firmware installation period Try to install firmware on the device within firmware installation period.
710 Device focused on pinned app Device is focused on a pinned app. This could be because it's in a dedicated device mode (such as Kiosk mode or Lock task mode), which forces it to focus on an app, preventing Knox E-FOTA from performing firmware updates. Add the Knox E-FOTA client app to the dedicated device mode allowlist through your EMM.

Failed to install

Error code Error message Cause Resolution
760 Installation terminated unexpectedly Firmware installation has failed because installation is terminated. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
761 Firmware information mismatch Firmware installation has failed because device information of firmware doesn't match the server information. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
762 Installation terminated by system Firmware installation has failed because the installation is terminated by the system. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
763 Unexpected error Firmware installation has failed because an unexpected error occurred. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
764 Delta firmware installation error Firmware installation has failed because an error occurred during the delta firmware installation process. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
765 Dm-verity check failure Firmware installation has failed because the dm-verity check failed in recovery mode. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
766 Recovery update failure Firmware installation has failed because an update of the recovery area failed. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
767 Block-based update failure Firmware installation has failed because an error occurred during the block-based update. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
768 Firmware verification failure Firmware installation has failed because the token in firmware verification failed. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
769 Installation error in recovery mode Firmware installation has failed because there is no result from recovery mode. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
770 Device rooted Firmware installation has failed because the device is rooted. Knox E-FOTA doesn't support rooting the device. If the device isn't rooted, contact Samsung.
771 Unexpected error A request failed due to a generic error. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
772 Couldn’t copy data from file system An update failed to apply due to filesystem copier. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
773 Post-installation failure An update failed to apply due to an error in running post-install hooks. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
774 Payload mismatch An update failed to apply due to a mismatching payload. For example, the given payload uses a feature that's not supported by the current update engine. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
777 Couldn’t fetch payload An update failed to apply due to an error in fetching the payload. For example, this could be a result of bad network connection when streaming an update. Try to reconnect to your network or use a more reliable network.
778 Payload hash mismatch An update failed to apply due to a mismatch in payload hash. Update engine does sanity checks for the given payload and its metadata. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
779 Payload size mismatch An update failed to apply due to a mismatch in payload size. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
780 Invalid payload signature An update failed to apply due to failing to verify payload signatures. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
781 Invalid payload timestamp An update failed to apply due to a downgrade in payload timestamp. The timestamp of a build is encoded into the payload, which will be enforced during install to prevent downgrading a device. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.
782 Slot change required An update has been applied successfully but the new slot hasn't been set to active. Manually set up the slot change so that it's active.
783 Not enough storage There is not enough space on the device to apply the update. Free up space to be able to apply the update.
784 Corrupted device The device is corrupted and no further updates may be applied. Try to manually refresh the client on the device by executing a Force client refresh. If the problem persists, contact Samsung.

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