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Knox E-FOTA On-Premises portable

Last updated July 17th, 2024

Knox E-FOTA On-Premises provides a portable solution, which allows you to install Knox E-FOTA On-Premises on a laptop and bring it to your business sites. With this solution, you don’t have to install and maintain Knox E-FOTA On-Premises servers at each site. You can use one server to manage firmware for your entire device fleet, which may span across multiple business sites.

Currently, Knox E-FOTA On-Premises portable is only available as a Windows Hyper-V virtual machine package.


  • Enable Hyper-V
  • Set up a network interface with IP address on your laptop. This address should be accessible to your fleet of devices to download firmware updates.

Install and run Knox E-FOTA On-Premises portable

  1. Download the compressed Knox E-FOTA On-Premises portable Hyper-V image and the support files.
  2. From the support files, decompress the Knox E-FOTA file and run the Knox E-FOTA licenseApp reg.bat file as an administrator to install the license service.
  3. From the support files, run the Knox E-FOTA Portable NW reg.bat file as an administrator to configure network settings.
  4. Decompress the Hyper-V virtual machine image.
  5. Import the virtual machine using Hyper-V Manager.
  6. Run the virtual machine.

You can now access your Knox E-FOTA On-Premises portable server through its URL:

This URL is configured in Knox E-FOTA Portable NW reg.bat.

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