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Verify a REST API key from VMware

Last updated December 27th, 2023



  • Knox E-FOTA
  • VMware
  • Windows PowerShell ISE


If you created a REST API key in VMware, you can test your API key and account credentials with PowerShell ISE.

How to verify a REST API key from VMware

To test your REST API key:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell ISE.

  2. Create a new script.

  3. Paste the following script, and enter values for userName, password, RestAPIKey, and vmwareServer:

$userName = ''
$password = ''
$RestAPIKey = ''

$vmwareServer = "https://"
$pagesize = 10

Function Get - BasicUserForAuth {
    Param([string] $func_username)
    $userNameWithPassword = $func_username
    $encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($userNameWithPassword)
    $encodedString = [Convert]::ToBase64String($encoding)
    Return "Basic " + $encodedString

Function Build - Headers {
    Param([string] $authorizationString, [string] $tenantCode, [string] $acceptType, [string] $contentType)
    $authString = $authorizationString
    $tcode = $tenantCode
    $accept = $acceptType
    $content = $contentType
    $header = @ {
        "Authorization" = $authString;
        "aw-tenant-code" = $tcode;
        "Accept" = $useJSON;
        "Content-Type" = $useJSON
    Return $header

# # Login to AW section
$concateUserInfo = $userName + ":" + $password
$restUserName = Get - BasicUserForAuth($concateUserInfo)
$useJSON = "application/json"
$headers = Build - Headers $restUserName $RestAPIKey $useJSON $useJSON

#Get ALL devices that API rest account allowed to get
Clear - variable - Name "URIstring" - Force - EA SilentlyContinue
$URIstring = $vmwareServer + "/api/mdm/devices/search?" + "pagesize=" + $pagesize
$DeviceOutput = Invoke - RestMethod - Method Get - Uri $URIstring - Headers $headers

#display number of retrieved devices
  1. Press F5 to execute the script.

If your account credentials and REST API key are valid, the script returns the number of devices currently enrolled in VMware.

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