View device details and logs
Last updated June 26th, 2024
Each Knox Configure managed device has its own unique device details screen and device log that can be periodically reviewed to assess a selected device’s current configuration and event history.
To review a particular device’s details and log:
Select Devices from the left-hand navigation menu and select the DEVICES tab.
From the DEVICE ID column, click the ID of the device you want to view the details of.
On the device details screen, you can view device information and manage them. See Manage devices for more information.
Click VIEW DEVICE LOG to view the configuration and profile assignment event history for the selected device.
In the Device log window, you can view the following information for the selected Knox Configure managed device:
- STATUS — Lists the configuration or profile assignment activity logged on behalf of the selected device.
- EVENT — Lists the specific device configuration or profile assignment event logged on behalf of the selected device. Errors and warnings can display selectable links to review the error or warning event in greater detail. If necessary, select the VIEW APPLIED PROFILE button to auto-navigate to Profile information screen where details of the selected device’s applied profile can be reviewed.
- TIME — Lists the time and date of when the event occurred.
Click EXPORT TO CSV to export the device log as a CSV file.
Click OK to return to the selected device’s device details screen.
Device states
Devices that are submitted to Knox Configure progress through the following states when assigned profiles and configurations are pushed to the device:
Unassigned — The device is uploaded to Knox Configure, but there are no profiles yet assigned or a previously applied profile has been unassigned.
Profile assigned — A profile was assigned to the device, but the device is yet to be configured. For example, the device may not have been powered on since a profile has been assigned.
In progress — A device profile assignment has been made and the subsequent device configuration is in progress and pending completion.
Error — A problem was encountered during device configuration rendering. For more information, see Configuration errors.
Canceled by user — The device user has skipped the device profile configuration. It must be restarted to configure the device.
Configured — The device has successfully received Knox Configure profile or the profile update has been pushed successfully.
Failed to configure — Device has failed to receive the profile, or a profile update was not successfully pushed.
Updates pushed — A profile update has been pushed to the device, but the device is still processing the update.
Locked — The device is locked in Knox Configure. Either you can unlock the device or the device user can input the provided password. Locked devices remain in their locked state even after the device’s profile is unassigned.
Exchanging — The device had its device ID swapped. This device needs its profile re-assigned and updated back to an Assigned state.
Deactivated temporarily — The device has been temporarily deactivated by the IT admin to review and assess an issue before the device is activated again.
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