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Configure app policies

Last updated January 14th, 2025

Before deploying Knox Authentication Manager as a managed app to your devices, you’ll need to configure several app policies in your UEM or EMM. The following tables describe each policy and the options available.

  1. For Knox Manage admins, see Assign Managed Google Play apps for instructions on managing app configurations.
  2. For VMware Workspace ONE1, Microsoft Intune, and SOTI MobiControl admins, refer to their respective documentation for more details.

For all policy settings, the following special characters are not permitted:. # $ [ ] & ; < > "

Basic configuration information

Policy Required Description Options
Managed Configuration Yes The name of the app’s managed configuration file. This field is mandatory. Any text string consisting of alphanumeric characters.
Profile name No The user-facing name for the Knox Authentication Manager profile, as seen on the app’s Policy screen. Any text string consisting of alphanumeric characters. Special characters are permitted.
License Key Yes The license key included with a Knox Suite license. This field is mandatory. Any valid Knox Suite license key.
Auto delete unused profile after (months) Yes The number of months that a profile must remain unused before being automatically deleted from system. This field is mandatory.

This policy setting applies only to Knox Authentication Manager v1.7 and higher. For devices running earlier versions, the default of 3 months is always applied. For more information, see updates to the Auto delete unused profile policy.

Any numerical value from 1 — 36. If left unset, the default is 3 months.

Customize KAM home screen

Policy name Required Description Options
Title No A custom title that appears below the logo on the app’s sign in screen. Any text string consisting of alphanumeric characters. Max 30 characters.
Description No Custom description text that appears above the Username field on the app’s sign in screen. Any text string consisting of alphanumeric characters. Max 100 characters.
Show device serial number Yes Displays the device’s serial number on the sign-in screen.

This policy applies only to Knox Authentication Manager v1.7 and higher.

True or False (default)
Admin PIN Yes The PIN number required in order to exit Knox Authentication Manager’s sign in screen. Any string consisting of numbers.

Manage sign in controls

Policy name Required Description Options
UEM being used Yes The name of your UEM or EMM
  • VMware Workspace ONE with launcher login screen (default)
  • VMware Workspace ONE without launcher login screen
  • Microsoft Intune with Managed Home Screen
  • Microsoft Intune without Managed Home Screen
  • Samsung Knox Manage/SOTI MobiControl
Main sign in method Yes Determines how users sign in to Knox Authentication Manager.
  • PIN+Face (default) — Users sign into the app by first entering a PIN number, then scanning their face. If you select this option, you must also select Yes in the following field to confirm that you agree to the biometric privacy notification.
  • PIN only — Users sign into the app using their PIN number only.
  • Manual — Users sign into the app using their identity provider credentials (for example, their Microsoft Entra ID username and password).
I have read and understand the notice in the description (required for Face authentication) Yes — if you selected PIN+Face as a sign in method. This policy confirms that you've read and acknowledged the biometric privacy notice, and only appears after you select PIN+Face as the app's main sign in method.
  • No response — User will sign in using Manual authentication.
  • Yes — You're using a sign in method that collects a user's biometric information and you've read and acknowledged the privacy notice.
Main sign in PIN length Yes Sets the required PIN length when PIN+Face or PIN only sign in is used.
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8

Manage sync controls

Policy name Required Description Options
Enable syncing Yes Enables device-to-device data syncing. Disabling this policy is only recommended for dedicated devices.

If set to False, only the Sync Group ID policy is required in the Manage sync controls group.

When device syncing is disabled, no network traffic is sent to Google Firebase.

True (default) or False
Sync Org ID Yes Sets a single identifier for your company or organization, under which your device sync groups are organized. Enter an Org ID consisting of only letters and numbers. This should be the same for devices that you want to sync with one another.
Sync Devices By Yes Determines how device sync groups are defined.
  • Group ID (default) — Devices sync when they're in the same admin-defined group.
  • WiFi Subnet — Devices sync when they're on the same Wi-Fi subnet.
Sync Group ID Yes

Sets a unique identifier for a group of devices across which user profiles will be synced. This setting only applies if your devices sync by group ID.

Group IDs often correspond to device groups you configured in your UEM or EMM.

Enter an group ID consisting of only letters and numbers. This should be the same for devices that you want to sync with one another.
Sync Group Key Yes Sets a sync group key to encrypt and protect user profiles and device group communication.

Enter a 32-character key consisting of only letters and numbers. This should be the same for devices that you want to sync with one another.

One way to create the key is to run openssl rand -base64 24 in a terminal.

Sync Send UDP Port Yes Specifies a UDP port number on devices which is used to send device communications such as sync requests. Enter a UDP port number. If left unset, the default is 49158.
Sync Receive UDP Port Yes Specifies a UDP port number on devices which is used to send device communications such as sync requests. Enter a UDP port number. If left unset, the default is 49159.
Sync TCP Port Yes Specifies a TLS communication port number on devices which is used to sync data between devices. Enter a TLS communication port. If left unset, the default is 7788.

Manage KAM behavior

The following policies are only applicable if you’re using VMware Workspace ONE without launcher login screen, Microsoft Intune without Managed Home Screen, or Knox Manage/SOTI MobiControl as your UEM or EMM.

Policy Required Description Options
Entra Tenant ID Yes Specifies the Knox Authentication Manager Directory (tenant) ID registered in Microsoft Entra ID. Refer to Microsoft’s documentation for detailed instructions on how to find your tenant ID. Enter the Entra Tenant ID
Entra Client ID Yes Specifies the Knox Authentication Manager Application (client) ID registered in Microsoft Entra ID. Refer to Microsoft’s documentation for detailed instructions on how to find your client ID. Enter the Entra Client ID
Auto sign out on charge Yes Determines whether Knox Authentication Manager automatically signs out the current user when a device is charged (user can cancel). True or False (default)
Auto sign out period after screen-off (mins) No Specifies how many minutes a device screen must remain off before Knox Authentication Manager automatically signs out the current user. Enter a value in minutes. If left unset, the default is 0.

0 = disabled.
Use KAM authentication to unlock device Yes Forces users to sign into Knox Authentication Manager (PIN+Face or PIN only) in order to unlock their devices. True or False (default)
Clean-up on sign out Yes Allows the removal of app and account information when users sign out, to ensure that they don’t have access to the previous user’s signed-in apps and data. True or False (default)
Clean-up excluded apps upon sign out (package names) No Specifies the package names of apps — as a comma-delimited list — that are excluded from clean-up. Enter app package names separated by commas.
Clean-up upon sign in Yes Allows the removal of app and account information when users sign in, to ensure that they don’t have access to the previous user’s signed-in apps and data. True or False (default)
Clean-up apps upon sign in (package names) No Specifies the package names of apps — as a comma-delimited list — you want to clean up after users sign in.

You must set Clean-up upon sign in to True for this policy to work.
Enter app package names separated by commas. If left unset, the default packages included are:
Reverification time (mins) No The time period after the screen is turned off before the user must reverify their identity on the device. Enter a value in minutes. If left unset, the default is 0.

0 = disabled.

  1. VMware Workspace ONE is also known as Omnissa Workspace ONE. ↩︎

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