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How to upload devices without a reseller

Last updated July 26th, 2023



  • Knox Asset Intelligence
  • No reseller solution


Devices in Knox Asset Intelligence are typically uploaded beforehand by a reseller. Currently, the Knox Deployment App doesn’t allow customers to add devices to Knox Asset Intelligence. This article provides instructions about how to upload devices without support from a reseller.

How to upload devices

  1. Sign in to the Knox Admin Portal.

  2. Click Knox Asset Intelligence. The Knox Asset Intelligence console opens.

  3. In the navigation pane, click Devices

  4. On the BULK ACTIONS tab, click Upload devices.

    Upload Devices on the BULK ACTIONS tab

  5. Click Download CSV template and save the bulk template to your local file system.

    Upload Devices List Confirmation

  6. Open the CSV file in a text editor or spreadsheet app. Enter one device ID per row, and make sure you don’t include any empty rows. Save your changes.

  7. Back on the console, click Browse and upload the filled CSV file.

  8. Click SUBMIT to start the device upload.

The console notifies you when the devices upload successfully. If something prevents the devices from uploading, an error log is generated with information about the devices that failed. Error logs can be found in the notification center or the console’s activity log.

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