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Data conditions

Last updated December 19th, 2024

The Data conditions tab lets you to define when and how data gets collected, and the type of data that gets collected by the Knox Asset Intelligence service. This tab consists of the following sections:

  • Work shift data collection
  • Data upload

Work shift data collection

work shift collection

By default, Knox Asset Intelligence collects data at all times (if data is available). However, if you want to only collect data at certain times or under certain conditions, then you can enable the Work shift configuration option. Once enabled, data will only be collected under one of these conditions:

  • During a specific time window on certain days.
  • When devices connect to an allowed Wi-Fi access point.
  • When managed app activity is detected.

For example, if you only want to collect work-related data from 9-5 PM on weekdays, you can set Work shift configuration to do so accordingly. By default, the work shift setting is turned off, and the devices collect data throughout the day. A shift end is detected when a device hasn’t reported activity from a managed app or connected to an allowlisted access point for longer than two hours.

You can configure the Wi-Fi SSID allowlist and Managed Apps list by clicking the corresponding links, and specify individual managed apps that will trigger a work shift.

Data upload

The Data upload section lets you specify what type of data gets collected, and — for some insights — how often data gets collected. The following table describes the data upload options available. Select a data upload option checkbox in each category to let Knox Asset Intelligence collect that specific type of data from your devices. To disable data collection for an entire category altogether, toggle the category option off.


Options Description
Wi-Fi disconnection/connection data for allowlisted SSIDs

Collects data about when your devices connect or disconnect from Wi-Fi networks.

Affected dashboard insights:

  • Wi-Fi disconnection events: Groups
  • Wi-Fi disconnection events: BSSIDs and APs

For BSSIDs and APs, you can specify whether disconnection data is collected for all SSIDs, or only whitelisted SSIDs. See Manage SSID allowlist for more details.

Mobile/Wi-Fi data usage

Collects Mobile and Wi-Fi network usage data. Network usage data is collected at all times (regardless of shift configuration), and uploaded once a day.

Affected dashboard insights:

  • Mobile network usage
  • Data usage by connection type
Network latency results for specified test servers

Collects network latency data for your devices that connect to specific servers. You can specify up to five latency test servers in the NETWORK tab. See Manage and configure latency tests to learn more.

Affected dashboard insights:

  • Network latency response times
  • Groups with abnormal latency events
Wi-Fi calling setting status

Collects data to let you know if users have the Wi-Fi calling feature enabled or disabled on their devices, or if the feature is unsupported. Enabling this option also populates the Wi-Fi calling field in the device details panel.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Wi-Fi calling setting status

Wi-Fi calling might not be supported by all carriers, even if the feature is enabled on the device.

Mobile signal strength with location

Collects a device's real-time mobile signal strength data and displays this information on the **Location** dashboard.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Location

For this feature to work, you must also enable Location tracking in the DATA UPLOAD tab.


Options Description
Run time: Foreground/background run time, battery usage

Collects data related to the amount of time (in hours) an app was used, and the average battery consumption for each app.

Affected dashboard insights:

  • Total app usage
  • Background app usage
  • Foreground app usage
  • Apps with highest battery consumption
Screen time: Screen time, times launched

Collects data related to the amount of time an app is running in the foreground.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Screen time

Screen time data is collected regardless of the device’s battery or charging status.

Network usage: Wi-Fi/mobile usage

Tracks the amount of mobile and Wi-Fi network data used by all apps across your device fleet.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Apps with highest network usage
Issues: ANR, FC, and abnormal events every # hour

Collects data for when apps report either an App Not Responding (ANR), Forced Closed (FC), or general Abnormal issue. You must specify how often the system collects app issue data by entering a value between 1 hour and 24 hours in the provided field.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Apps with most issues events
  • Groups with app issue events
RAM usage (Labs)

Collects data related to how much RAM your apps consume. This data is used to create new dashboard insights in a future Knox Asset Intelligence release.

CPU usage (Labs)

Collects data related to how much CPU resources your apps consume. This data is used to create new dashboard insights in a future Knox Asset Intelligence release.


There are no individual data upload options for battery data. Toggle the Battery category to enable or disable battery data upload altogether.


Options Description
Storage usage

Collects data related to the total and available remaining storage of each device.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Storage usage status
RAM usage (Labs)

Collect data related to how much RAM your devices consume. This data is used to create new dashboard insights in a future Knox Asset Intelligence release.

CPU usage (Labs)

Collect data related to how much CPU resources your devices consume. This data is used to create new dashboard insights in a future Knox Asset Intelligence release.

Location tracking

Options Description
Outdoor GPS every # hour # min

Collects a device's real-time location (Outdoor GPS) data. You must specify how often the system collects GPS data by entering a value greater than 1 minute and less than 24 hours in the provided fields.

Affected dashboard insight:

  • Location

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