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General battery insights

Last updated July 26th, 2023

Knox Asset Intelligence offers a number of general battery-related insights. Refer to the table below for a description of each chart and its data.

Chart Description
Battery drain events Devices that used more than a certain amount of battery charge within an hour, as defined in the dashboard settings. At the bottom of the chart, if over 25% of devices reported two or more battery drain events in a day, details about the events are shown. This threshold can also be changed in the dashboard settings.
Low battery events Devices that reported a battery level percentage lower than the threshold, as defined in the dashboard settings. At the bottom of the chart, if over 25% of devices reported two or more low battery events in a day, details about the events are shown. This threshold can also be changed in the dashboard settings.
Charge events The number of times devices were connected to a battery charger. At the bottom of the chart, if over 25% of devices reported two or more charging events in a day, details about the events are shown. This threshold can also be changed in the dashboard settings.
Battery level at shift start The average battery level of the devices at the start of a shift, and the remaining time left on the battery charge. At the bottom of the chart, the average battery level at the start of a shift over the configured time period is shown.
Battery level at shift end The average battery level of the devices at the end of a shift, and the remaining time left on the battery charge. At the bottom of the chart, the average battery level at the end of a shift over the configured time period is shown.
Groups with low battery level events The five groups with devices that reported the highest number of low battery events. At the bottom of the chart, the number of groups that had 25% or more of their devices report a low battery event is shown. This threshold can also be changed in the dashboard settings.
Groups with low battery devices at shift start The five groups that reported the highest number of low battery events at the start of a shift, and the total number of devices and events associated with each group. At the bottom of the chart, the number of groups that had 25% or more of their devices report a low battery level at the start of a shift is shown. This threshold can also be changed in the dashboard settings.

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