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View and manage devices

Last updated June 26th, 2024

If your organization has devices enrolled in multiple Knox cloud services, the Knox Admin Portal offers two consolidated views that display cross-service information about devices:

  • The common device list, which provides information about all the uploaded and approved devices across your Knox services.
  • The device search page, which shows consolidated information about a single device.

If you’re a managed service provider admin, device and service information is limited to the customer you’re currently managing.

Common device list

To make it easier for you to keep track of devices across different Knox services, the common device list consolidates information about all your uploaded and approved devices. On this page, you can check the status of your devices and jump to device lists in other services to manage them.

Currently, device information for Knox Manage, Knox Guard, and Knox Remote Support isn’t included in the common device list.

To go to the common device list, click Devices in the bottom-left corner of the Knox Admin Portal navigation pane.

Knox Admin Portal common device list

The list shows common device information, such as the device IMEI/MEID, model name, and device status for each service. If a device has more than one IMEI, the primary IMEI is shown by default, with the secondary IMEI shown as a tooltip when you hover over the primary IMEI. In the tabs above the list, click a service name to jump to information about that service for the devices you’re currently seeing. To see all the service details in a sliding panel, click the device IMEI/MEID.

You can also sort the list by column and apply filters to one or more columns. To remove any filters that you applied, click Clear all filters.

By default, 25 devices are shown per page. You can also select whether you want to see 50 or 100 devices on each page instead.

To perform an action on certain devices, select them in the list. Above the list, you’ll then see links to the service consoles the devices are associated with. Select a service to go to a filtered view of that service’s device list, which only shows the devices you selected from the common device list.

Search for one or more devices in the list

Using the search bar, you can search for single or multiple devices in the common device list.

  • Single device — Enter a device IMEI or serial number containing a minimum of 3 characters.
  • Multiple devices — Enter a maximum of 100 exact device IMEIs and serial numbers, separated by commas. You can also click upload on the right side of the search bar to upload a CSV file containing up to 100 device IMEIs or serial numbers you want to find. 

To add filters to your search, click filter. In the Filters dialog, select the related service information you want to filter by, then click APPLY FILTERS. You can also clear any filters you applied previously by clicking CLEAR FILTERS, then APPLY FILTERS again.

Configure the device list

To customize the columns in the common device list, click Settings. You can select which services you want to see in the list, as well as specific device information related to each service. If you can’t see or select a particular service, make sure you’re registered for it and that the service is shown on the portal.

Export device information

To export common device information, click Download as CSV. You’re then able to choose whether you want to include all available columns in your export, or just specific columns that you select. By default, the columns shown in the device list are pre-selected.

In the search bar at the top of the Knox Admin Portal, enter a device IMEI or serial number to view Knox service information for that device on a centralized page. If the device you’re searching for has two SIMs, you can enter either the primary or secondary IMEI to view its information.

Knox Admin Portal device search page

You can also click SEE MORE DETAILS to go to a filtered view of the common device list, which only shows information about the device you searched for.

The device search page displays the following:

Field Description

If the device is registered in a Knox cloud service and its user is invited to the service, the service name is shown. Click a service name to open the device's details on that service console and make updates to its info as required.

Clicking a Knox Manage or Knox Remote Support link opens that service's console in a new web browser tab.

DEVICE STATUS The last known enrollment status of the device, as reported by the service. Click a status to open a sliding panel containing additional device info.
PROFILE The profile assigned to the device, if it exists. Click a profile name to see details about the profile. For Knox E-FOTA, info about the assigned campaign is shown instead.
DEVICE INFO Service-specific info about the device. For example, if the service is Knox Manage, the device's associated user ID, organization, and/or group are shown.
SERVICE END DATE The date when the service or license expires.
LAST SEEN The date when the device last connected to the Knox cloud server.
LAST MODIFIED The date when changes were last pushed to the device.

Delete a device from all Knox cloud services

Admins with device management permissions for and access to all Knox cloud services can delete a device from all services with one action, instead of deleting it from each individual service.

Before you delete a device, make sure it can be safely deleted from all Knox cloud services first. If you only want to delete it from certain services, delete it from their respective consoles instead of the centralized device info page.

For example, if your device is enrolled in Knox E-FOTA and Knox Configure, and you want to keep it enrolled in Knox E-FOTA, delete the device from the Knox Configure console.

To delete a device from all services:

  1. In the search bar at the top of the Knox Admin Portal, search for a device by its IMEI or serial number.

  2. On the centralized device info page, click menu icon, then click Delete device. You won’t see this option if you don’t have the right permissions.

  3. If the device can be deleted from all the services it’s enrolled in, you’re prompted to confirm whether you want to continue with the device deletion. If so, click DELETE.

    If a device uploaded from an EMM is deleted, and its EMM group is synced with Knox E-FOTA after deletion, the device will be added to Knox E-FOTA again.

    If the device can’t be deleted from one or more services, the reason for each service is shown in the popup. To proceed with the deletion, try again after you address each reason.

If the deletion is successful, the device is deleted from all supported services in the Knox Admin Portal, including Knox Remote Support.

If the deletion is only partially successful, you’ll see a notification for each failed deletion with a downloadable CSV file containing more information.

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