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CSV file uploads are auto formatted incorrectly

Last updated November 14th, 2024



  • Knox cloud services
  • Microsoft Excel


Some services have a bulk upload feature that require customers to upload a CSV file that includes the device IMEI numbers.

If a customer uses Microsoft Excel to modify and save the CSV file, they may run into formatting issues that cause the upload to fail and the devices not being correctly identified. They may encounter the following error:

The CSV file containts invalid data.


Microsoft Excel may auto format the device IMEI number format to scientific notation where the last few digits of IMEI number are incorrectly saved as the number 0, instead of the actual number.


Before saving your CSV file, you must ensure that all your IMEI numbers are correctly formatted to not include any decimal places, and they are of the Number type.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Open your CSV file containing the device IMEI numbers.
  2. Right-click on the column containing all the IMEI numbers and select Format Cells.
  3. Under the Number tab, select Number under category and set the Decimal places: to 0.
  4. Click OK to confirm your changes.
  5. Save your CSV file.

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