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Manage devices

Last updated February 6th, 2025

The Devices page allows you to view and manage all devices associated with your Samsung Care+ for Business account.

View devices

To view your devices:

  1. On the Devices tab, select DEVICES.

    Selecting DEVICES tab in the Devices page

  2. Filter and sort submitted devices using the following categories: IMEI/SN, SKU, Model, Market name, Source, Device type, Status, Coverage, coverage Start Date and End Date, Reseller Name, Reseller ID, and EULA Date. You can select up to eight categories to filter devices.

  3. Select the IMEI/SN number of the device to view DEVICE, SC+ SERVICE PLAN, and CLAIM HISTORY information.

    Device Details dialog

  4. Click the VIEW ALL DEVICE INFORMATION button in the DEVICE DETAILS dialog to view consolidated device information on the Knox Admin Portal.

Approve devices

Device uploads can be manually or automatically approved. If you wish to auto-approve uploads from a reseller, you can adjust your preferences on the Resellers page. For more information, see Manage resellers.

To approve devices:

  1. On the Devices page, select UPLOADS.

    Selecting UPLOADS tab in the Devices page

  2. Under DETAILS, click View for the pending approval. A device upload information page opens, listing IMEI/SN, SKU, and ORDER NO for the pending devices.

  3. Verify the device information is correct, then click APPROVE ALL DEVICES. On the Approve all devices dialog, click APPROVE to confirm the upload.

    Selecting Approve All Devices in the Devices page

  4. (Optional) You can adjust your preferences to auto-approve uploads from this reseller. For more information, see Manage resellers.

  5. The device status changes from Pending to Approved. You can view the details of each device upload by selecting View under the DETAILS column for the respective device upload task.

Delete devices

You can only remove devices from your account that are not assigned a license.

  1. On the Devices tab, select DEVICES.

    Selecting DEVICES tab in the Devices page

  2. Select the device(s) you wish to delete and select ACTIONS > Delete devices. If the device status is Active pending or Active, the Delete device(s) button is disabled.

    Selecting Delete devices option from the Actions drop-down menu in the Devices page

  3. Read the Delete devices prompt and select DELETE to remove the device(s).

Bulk assign license

You can assign licenses to devices in bulk from the Devices page. For more information, see Bulk actions.

Device status

When you perform actions on a device, such as uploading new devices or assigning licenses, the device is assigned a state based on the result of those actions. The following diagram showcases various device states. For more information, see View device states.

Flow chart showing the device status change as actions are done by the IT admin

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