Managed configuration

  • Exchange ActiveSync accounts list
      • Email address
        Email address
      • User name
        User name (login) to access account
      • Account password
        Account password
      • EAS domain
        Domain to access EAS server
      • Exchange server name
        Exchange server name. Can include port number like
      • Use SSL
        Use SSL connection or not
      • Trust all
        Trust all SSL certificates
      • CBA certificate alias
        CBA certificate alias (can be used, if certificate was already installed before)
      • Account name
        Account name to display in UI
      • Peak sync interval
        Sync interval during peak time for EAS account
      • Off-peak sync interval
        Sync interval during off-peak time for EAS account
      • Peak period start time
        Peak period start time (in minutes from 00:00)
      • Peak period end time
        Peak period end time (in minutes from 00:00)
      • Peak days
        Peak days (bit mask like 0111110)
      • Roaming schedule
        Use or not special sync schedule for roaming
      • Period to sync emails
        Period to sync emails
      • Retrieval size
        Email body size to sync for EAS 2007 and later accounts
      • Retrieval size
        Email body size to sync for EAS 2003 accounts
      • Period to sync Calendar
        Period to sync Calendar
      • Sync contacts
        Sync contacts or not
      • Sync calendar
        Sync calendar or not
      • Signature
        Signature to be used in Composer
      • Set account as default
        Set account as default
      • S/MIME encryption certificate alias
        S/MIME encryption certificate alias (can be used, if certificate was already installed before)
      • S/MIME signing certificate alias
        S/MIME signing certificate alias (can be used, if certificate was already installed before)
      • Set S/MIME algorithm encryption
        S/MIME message will be encrypted with chosen algorithm for this account
      • Set S/MIME signing algorithm
        S/MIME message will be signed with chosen algorithm for this account
      • Certificate revocation check
        Enable security certificates revocation check
      • Certificate OCSP check
        Enable security certificates revocation check using OCSP
      • Enable disclaimer pop-up feature
        Enable disclaimer pop-up feature to warn user, when message is sending to recepient not from white listed domains
      • White list of domains
        White list of domains, which do not need disclaimer pop-up
          • Allowed external domain
            Allowed external domain, which does not need disclaimer pop-up
      • All messages signing is required
        S/MIME signing is required for this account
      • All messages encryption is required
        S/MIME encryption is required for this account
      • Force signing certificate
        Force signing certificate for account (user cannot change it)
      • Force encryption certificate
        Force encryption certificate for account (user cannot change it)
      • Allow forwarding
        Allows to reply/forward email messages from this account using other email account
      • Allow HTML email
        Allow using HTML in email body
      • Allow settings change
        Allow settings change for this account
      • Maximum plain text body truncation size
        Maximum allowed plain text body truncation size in KB (for EAS account only)
      • Maximum HTML body truncation size
        Maximum allowed HTML body truncation size in KB (for EAS account only)
      • Maximum Calendar age filter
        Maximum Calendar entries sync period (for EAS account only)
      • Maximum email age filter
        Maximum email entries sync period (for EAS account only)
      • Allow incoming attachments
        Allow incoming attachments download for account
      • Maximum incoming attachment size
        Maximum allowed incoming attachment size to download in bytes
      • Allow email notifications
        Allow email notifications for account
  • IMAP/POP3 Email accounts list
      • Email address
        Email address
      • Protocol
        Account protocol (IMAP or POP3)
      • User name
        User name (login) to access account
      • Account password
        Account password
      • Outgoing user name
        Outgoing user name to access SMTP server (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Outgoing password
        Outgoing password to access SMTP server (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Receiving server name
        Receiving server name (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Receiving port
        Receiving port (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Receiving security settings
        Receiving security settings (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Sending server name
        Sending server name (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Sending port
        Sending port (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Sending security settings
        Sending security settings (for IMAP/POP3 accounts)
      • Account name
        Account name to display in UI
      • Peak sync interval
        Sync interval during peak time for IMAP/POP3 account
      • Off-peak sync interval
        Sync interval during off-peak time for IMAP/POP3 account
      • Peak period start time
        Peak period start time (in minutes from 00:00)
      • Peak period end time
        Peak period end time (in minutes from 00:00)
      • Peak days
        Peak days (bit mask like 0111110)
      • Roaming schedule
        Use or not special sync schedule for roaming
      • Period to sync emails
        Period to sync emails
      • Retrieval size
        Email body size to sync for IMAP/POP3 accounts
      • Signature
        Signature to be used in Composer
      • Set account as default
        Set account as default
      • Enable disclaimer pop-up feature
        Enable disclaimer pop-up feature to warn user, when message is sending to recepient not from white listed domains
      • White list of domains
        White list of domains, which do not need disclaimer pop-up
          • Allowed external domain
            Allowed external domain, which does not need disclaimer pop-up
      • Allow forwarding
        Allows to reply/forward email messages from this account using other email account
      • Allow HTML email
        Allow using HTML in email body
      • Allow settings change
        Allow settings change for this account
      • Allow email notifications
        Allow email notifications for account
  • LDAP accounts configuration list
      • User name
        User name (login) to access account
      • Account password
        Account password
      • LDAP server name
        LDAP server name
      • LDAP port
        Port for LDAP accounts
      • Use SSL
        Use SSL connection or not
      • Trust all
        Trust all SSL certificates
      • Anonymous
        Anonymous LDAP connection (without user name / password)
      • Base DN
        Base DN
  • Block account addition
      • Account type
        Account type to block
      • Email domain pattern
        Regular expression to define email domains to be blocked
  • Allow add email accounts
    Allow add new email accounts