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Troubleshooting Knox cloud services

Standard HTTP error codes

The following table lists the most common HTTP error responses:

Code Name Description
400 Bad Request The client has issued an invalid request. This code is commonly used to specify validation errors in a request payload.
401 Unauthorized Authorization for the API is required, but the request was not authenticated.
403 Forbidden The request was authenticated but does not have the appropriate permissions, or the requested resource cannot be found.
404 Not Found Specifies that the requested path does not exist.
406 Not Acceptable The client has requested a MIME type via the Accept header for a value not supported by the server.
422 Unprocessable Entity The client has made a valid request, but the server cannot process it. This response is often returned for APIs when certain limits are exceeded.
429 Too Many Requests The client has exceeded the number of requests allowed for a given time window.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected server error has occurred. These errors should be rare.
501 Not Implemented The client request was valid and understood by the server, but the requested feature has yet to be implemented. These errors should be rare.

Unique customer authentication error codes

The Knox Cloud authentication API for customers has several custom error codes which provide more information than the standard HTTP error response codes. The following table lists the unique Knox Cloud error codes and their descriptions:

Code Message Description
4000000 RESOURCE_INVALID_PARAM Invalid parameter provided.
4002250 API_KEY_NON_UNIQUE_JWTID Cannot use the same jwt again. A newly signed jwt needs to be created.
4002251 ACCESS_TOKEN_TIMEOUT_VALIDITY_RESOURCE_INVALID_PARAM Incorrect parameter type was entered. Ensure that validityForAccessTokenInMinutes parameter is $int32
4010011 IDP_AUTHORIZATION_FAIL Failed to authorize the provided Samsung Account app ID.
40122050 ACCESS_TOKEN_BAD_REQUEST Jwt improperly created. Check whether jwt was properly signed.
4032251 ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRED Provided Access token has expired. A new access token needs to be generated
4032252 ACCESS_TOKEN_INVALID Provided Access token is invalid for this api.
4040000 RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND Resource not found.
4042251 API_KEY_RESTRICTION_NOT_FOUND The IP address or http referer are empty.
4042252 API_KEY_RESTRICTION_INVALID The IP address or http referer are invalid.

Unique partner integration error codes

Token errors

The Samsung Account token API used for integrating partners has several custom error codes which provide more information than the standard error responses. The following table lists the unique Samsung Account token error codes and their descriptions:

400 AUT_1001 The value of the client_id parameter was not present or had an empty value. Ensure your request body includes a valid client_id parameter and retry your request.
400 AUT_1002 The value of the client_secret parameter was not present or had an empty value. Ensure your request body includes a valid client_secret parameter and retry your request.
400 AUT_1006 The value of the code parameter was not present or had an empty value. Ensure your request body includes a valid code parameter and retry your request.
400 AUT_1008 The value of grant_type parameter was not present or had an empty value. Ensure your request body includes a valid grant_type parameter and retry your request.
400 AUT_1010 The length of the client_id parameter is invalid. Double check that you've included your full client_id in your request body and retry your request.
400 AUT_1011 The length of the client_secret parameter is invalid. Double check that you've included your full client_secret in your request body and retry your request.
400 AUT_1015 The length of the code parameter is invalid. Double check that you've included your full authorization code in your request body and retry your request.
400 AUT_1017 The length of the grant_type parameter is invalid. Double check that you've included your full grant_type in your request body and retry your request.
400 AUT_1022 The pattern of the redirect_uri parameter is invalid. Ensure your redirect_uri is registered with Samsung Account and exhibits proper URL encoding, then retry your request.
400 AUT_1024 The pattern of the client_id parameter is invalid. Double check that you've included your full client_id in your request body and retry your request.
400 AUT_1045 The length of a redirect_uri parameter is invalid. Double check that you've included your, full Samsung Account-registered and URL-encoded redirect_uri in the request body, then retry your request.
400 AUT_1702 The value of the client_secret parameter is incorrect. Ensure you've included your full Samsung Account client_secret in your request body, then retry your request.
400 AUT_1785 Unauthenticated client_id can't be issued access_token. Ensure the value of your Samsung Account client_id in the request body does not include any errors. If your client_id looks correct, but you still receive this error, clientIdentifierJwt contact Knox Support.
400 AUT_1802 The value of the code parameter is incorrect. Ensure the value of the authorization code in the request body does not include any errors. If your code looks correct, but you still receive this error, please contact Knox Support.
400 AUT_1806 The value of the client_id parameter for code and access_token does not match. Ensure that you're sending the same Samsung Account client id used to call signInGate in the token request body.

Authorization errors

The Samsung Account authorizeToken API used for partner integration has custom error codes which provide more information than the standard error responses. The following table lists the unique Samsung Account authorizeToken error codes and their descriptions:

400 LIC_4101 Invalid request header or authToken. Ensure your request header includes all required values and that the authToken in your request body is correct, then retry your request.
400 LIC_4102 The authToken value was not found. Ensure your request body includes the correct authToken, then retry your request.
400 LIC_4103 x-osp-appId was not equal to the client_id of authToken. Ensure your request uses the same Samsung Account client id used when retrieving the authToken in question from the token endpoint.
500 LIC_5101 Unknown or internal error. The request is likely valid, but may need to be sent again.

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