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Android Enterprise (Advanced) profiles

Last updated May 3rd, 2024

Knox Mobile Enrollment is a service under the umbrella of the Knox Suite bundle of products. It provides seamless, reliable setup and enrollment of company-owned Samsung devices in EMMs.

For active Knox Suite license holders, Knox Mobile Enrollment offers advanced profiles, an enhanced type of profile that complements regular profiles and ensures secure deployment by providing you more controls for locking devices in unexpected scenarios. More specifically, advanced profiles let you:

  • Automatically lock a device if a device user attempts to bypass provisioning and registration.
  • Remotely lock a device to prevent information security leaks in the event of device loss or theft.
  • Immediately lock a device if it becomes rooted or starts running unofficial firmware.
  • Easily lock or unlock one or more devices in one swift action and monitor their lock statuses.
  • Unlock a device in secure offline environments using a one-time PIN.

Key features

Features Description
Lock unenrolled devices Automatically locks the device if it isn’t enrolled in an EMM by a specified date and prevents device users from bypassing enrollment.
Anytime remote lock/unlock Manually lock the device in scenarios when it’s lost or stolen.
Advanced device information For devices that are assigned advanced profiles, the Advanced profile assigned tab allows locking and unlocking these devices in one swift action, and PIN-based device unlocking. It also provides more detailed information such as the profile statuses and device lock statuses.


In addition to the Knox Mobile Enrollment prerequisites, you’ll also need:

When you’re ready to use Android Enterprise (Advanced) profiles, see how you can create advanced profiles, assign advanced profiles, monitor advanced profiles, and manage licenses for advanced profiles.

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