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Export data from the activity log

Last updated December 6th, 2023

In addition to reviewing the activity log to detect actions initiated by admins, admins can also export the history as a CSV file.

To export data from the activity log in Knox Manage:

  1. Go to Activity log.

  2. (Optional) Sort or filter the log by:

    • DATE of the event. The date is based on the admin’s local time, in ascending or descending order.
    • NAME of the admin.
    • CATEGORY of the event.
    • RESULT of the event, either Failure or Success.

    You can also filter the date range from Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or Show all and search for events based on their description.

  3. Click DOWNLOAD AS CSV to export the activity log data.

    Export activity log data

  4. An file downloads to your computer. The activity log data is stored in the archive as a CSV file.

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