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Fix background service errors

Last updated July 26th, 2023

If the SCC background service suddenly stops because of an error, the message below pops up or an error log is created in the Windows Event Viewer.

This error occurs when the msvcr*.dll library cannot be loaded with Java. To fix the error, perform one of the following two solutions:

Setting PATH from JAVA_HOME

The JAVA_HOME environment variable can be used to set the PATH. To set the PATH variable using JAVA_HOME, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Control Panel of your computer, select System and Security > System > Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.

  2. Select Path under System variables, and then click Edit.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter {JAVA_HOME}\bin in the text input filed, and then click OK.

  • For example, if JAVA is installed under C:\Program Files\JAVA, you can enter that path in the text input field.

Copying msvcr*.dll

You can copy the msvcr*.dll file from the path {JAVA_HOME}\bin to the {SCC installation folder}\bin path, and then restart SCC. The file name differs depending on the JAVA version. For example, the JAVA version 1.8 has msvcr100.dll.

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