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Manage admins and roles

Last updated July 26th, 2023

With Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), admins responsible for account creation (super admins) are able to assign refined role permissions to each individual admin.

Each SCB account can be managed by multiple administrators.

Create a role

Roles are assigned to each admin to specify custom permissions and access. When View only permission is selected, no profile configuration, device management, license or reseller administration is permitted. Note that new roles will have the View only permission selected by default.

To create a role to assign to an admin:

  1. Once approved, sign in to the Knox Admin Portal.

  2. Select Administrators and Roles from the left-hand navigation menu.

  3. Select the ROLES tab.

    Admins and roles tabs

  4. Click the CREATE ROLE button.

  5. Define the role details and permissions.

    Role permissions

  6. Click Save.

Invite admins

View and edit admins and roles

View admin and role details

In the Administrators & Roles page you’ll be able to view the administrator summary by default.

Admin list

To view the role summary, click on the ROLES tab.

Role list

All the Administrators and Roles can be easily shuffled using the arrows beside table heading NAME in ADMINISTRATORS tab and ROLE NAME in ROLES tab. In addition, Administrators can be filtered for a specific role using the drop-down ROLE as shown below.

Filter admins by roles

Edit admin and role details

Delete a role

  1. Once approved, sign in to the Knox Admin Portal.

  2. Select Administrators and Roles from the left-hand navigation menu.

  3. Select the ROLES tab and click on the role you want to delete.

    Role name

  4. In the Edit role window, select DELETE. A Delete role pop-up window prompts to confirm the action while showing any pending, revoked or blocked admins associated with this role. If there is an active admin associated with this role, it needs to be assigned another role to do the deletion.

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